I love photography...but what photographer doesn't?
My photography encompasses a variety of subject matter and I love that. Each subject fuels the other and therefor all aspects of my imagery share a common core. To me each person, each place, each item, deserves its own look- its own moment. I'm just the conduit there to capture it. I prefer to let my work speak for itself, but in case you were were wondering, above are a few words I would use to describe my photographs.
Oh, and another thing...
Amos Q- the sweetest pup ever.
Passion project.
I love film!
I'm still upset instant film was discontinued.
I may have a small camera hoarding issue.
Who doesn't?
Claire De Lune- my precious.
Nikita Katrina Pajamas.
I live here.
Daily practice...well almost daily.
My love of secrets and flowers collide.
TT Bear- super guard dog.